Monday, December 10, 2007


does that happen? Time is just flying by. My grandbaby is 3 months old and he is just simply adorable. We really enjoy him so much. But he sure does take alot of time. If it isn't for actually doing things for him it is time we spend just looking at him. He is so adorable and I can't take my eyes off of him. I need to get a grip.

I need to get busy with my crafing. I have 3 dolls to finish up this week and get in the mail by Wednesday. I don't know why I do it, but I wait til the last possible moment to get them done when I could have had them done weeks ago and right now just be waiting for the day to send them out. But here I am on the last possible hours trying to finish them up. I guess I just work better under pressure.

I have several projects I would like do for Christmas gifts. I would like to do a simple cookbook of some of my simple country home cooking recipes for my 2 kids. My son ask me to write down recipes of how I make stuff...I said like what and he said well like how you make mashed potatoes...LOL. That is just too cute. But I thought hey, maybe I could do that. Simple stuff like the mashed potatoes, or how I make the Kraft Mac and Cheese cheesier and better by adding 2 slices of cheese to the recipe. Just simple stuff in life.

**sigh** I would like to get busier with doing this blog. Adding pics of my house, my crafts, my kids and of course my sweet little grandbaby boy. Did I tell you how adorable is he??

Time to run...

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